
My Biz + Lifestyle Coach

Do you have people in your life that inspire, cheerlead, and encourage you to SPREAD YOUR WINGS and SOAR?

Being in business for the past 8 years has been a wild ride to say the least. But I honestly can’t imagine where I’d be (or if I’d be where I am) without the support network around me. Leading by inspiring example by living their badass dreams, holding each other up through extremely difficult times and the big time roller coaster...

There are so many I find support and inspiration in that I am so blessed to have in my life.

One of the longest main stays I’ve had by my side has been my biz + lifestyle coach Desha Peacock of Sweet Spot Style.

Taking a broader look beyond just rocking the biz life... but in my mind, more importantly, balancing work / life. I was legit 100% work non stop blame guilt shame myself if I ever stopped to breathe or do anything non work related before working with this chica.

She has helped me....

- define my purpose + my why in life, like why I do the work I do in the first place amp; how does that fit in to creating a life beyond my wildest dreams

- stay on track. She holds me accountable and keeps me focused on manageable bite sized tasks to make sure I’m taking actionable steps toward my goals

- brings in the magic. We manifest. Collective visualization is real. And pairs that with inspired action (as said above)

- teaches me new techniques and ways to build, grow, connect, and stay on my heart path.

And seriously so much more. This is the goddess who connected me with my publisher and helped me stay on point to create my first cookbook that so many of you enjoy! And all by leading by example and doing the same work side by side. Oh, and sometimes we just hike or seek out taco trucks or day trip to fun spots or go to freaking Mexico.

Do you have biz / life goals that you’re struggling to stay focused on?

Do you know you’re made for more but don’t know where to start?

I highly recommend following Desha to learn more!

Participating in her Email List Building Mastermind (and other courses) has been a major game changer for me (I’ve done it twice and I’d honestly do it again ;P). I always learn so much and take actionable steps to continue to grow my list!


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